“The mission of the Presbytery for Southern New Jersey is to nurture the Christian faith, life and common witness of our congregations and pastors. Open to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we seek fresh ways to serve and grow; praying that in and through us God will make all things new.” This is our mission statement but how we live into this reality is an ever changing conversation.
7:00 pmFaith Presbyterian Church in Medford
Giving online is an easy, secure way to give to the Presbytery. When natural disasters strike our Presbytery responds through prayers and funding; be part of that through online donations. Online giving can be designated for Mission Giving, P.D.A. (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) and Special Offerings.Matthew 6:21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
1701 Sycamore Street, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035